
Elderly renal failure (cell therapy) knowledge

Knowledge about the elderly kidney failure, experts pointed out that for many elderly patients with renal disease who, because their children are not very understanding of this disease, so the process of treatment of the elderly, many places are doing unreasonable , giving treatment impact. Thus, for understanding in this regard, family members of patients is necessary to find out.

In recent years through the health survey found that in recent years with the growing aging population and a significant increase significantly the incidence of metabolic disease, renal failure etiology spectrum also undergone some degree of change, compared with the proportion of secondary nephropathy in the past it has been significantly increased. Elderly patients with renal failure etiology spectrum, its proportions, in the year 2003, chronic nephritis accounted for first, followed by diabetic nephropathy, hypertension. But five years after 2003, the cause of renal failure patients constitute undergone great changes, diabetic nephropathy accounted for first place, followed by chronic nephritis, hypertension. Consider the following reasons: ① incidence of diabetes increased significantly in recent years. ② aging population increasingly worse, to a certain extent, but also enhance the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy. ③ the level of economic development of the region concerned.

Following the adoption of the above description, Jingdong Sino-US Hospital experts say, it is worth noting that the proportion of ischemic kidney disease (CIRD) was also significantly higher (increased to 11.11% from 4.76%). Elderly CIRD most common cause of atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (ARAS), many studies have confirmed, ARAS prevalence increases with age and there is an increasing trend. Type 2 diabetes patients with renal artery stenosis higher incidence than the general population and more likely to involve kidneys. In recent years, domestic data also showed that with age, ARAS prevalence rate increased.

There is, we can through the contents of the above articles to that in recent years the cause of renal failure in the elderly constitute a large change. Diabetic nephropathy and CIRD were significantly higher percentage, which is closely related to the recent metabolic diseases (mainly diabetes) increased incidence. Limitation of this study is that the sample size is still small, limited its representation, but we still see the trend CRF etiology constituted. Therefore, strengthening the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases, in order to effectively reduce the incidence of elderly CRF.

Knowledge about the elderly renal failure, summary, for the elderly suffering from renal failure this case, whether the patient has learned a lot of parents some useful knowledge.


