
Why the cold triggered kidney failure

The patients told me that he often cold in the autumn, nearly a month of continuous cold twice, 20 days after the second cold front, there has been little eye and leg edema. He was afraid to see the swollen leg went to the hospital for examination, the result is a protein 3+, occult blood have 2+, and the doctor told him, creatinine is also high, has been developed to renal insufficiency, and asked him if he had no previous kidney disease, the need for timely hospitalization.

The patient folks, just graduated from college, still busy looking for work, I do not know how to suffer kidney failure. He said he is studying electronic professional, from there had kidney disease, other diseases are rarely available, is this year's rushing around in search of work, often some cold symptoms. Until this moment he does not fully understand what is kidney disease, renal failure, what is? Only know a lot higher creatinine, renal failure, doctors said. At the end of the conversation, he asked me why it caused kidney failure the cold? Recently, this provision has been online to remind the majority of patients should pay attention to the cold, but after talking to the patient, deeply felt sense has long been a "killer." Previously cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Branch, every year when many young people will encounter because of myocarditis caused by a cold. Not only threatens the health, but also could threaten the exam, college entrance examination, even in the future life. The patients with renal failure, such as not timely cure, control of the disease, the future is difficult to predict.

Why is cold on the cause of renal failure? For this reason, this provision depth exchanges and ward doctor, just for curiosity's sake, this is really more people to pay attention to cold, pay attention to kidney disease. In this regard, Ward said the doctor, the patient will have a minimum of a few months ago when a cold kidney damage, and may be a protein or occult symptoms, but because finding a job rushing neglected inspections. If early detection, may not develop into kidney failure stage.

Most colds cause kidney damage caused by a little bit, but some are acute, but most people are edema symptoms of discomfort or back pain when finding.

Ward said the doctor, kidney failure or chronic nephritis caused by cold injury is an autoimmune disease, usually caused by a cold or infectious diseases. When foreign antigens (bacteria or virus) invades the human body, the human body to mobilize its defense system to produce an antibody binds, forming an antigen-antibody immune complexes. This is the body's immune response. Antigen-antibody immune complexes with the blood to circulate through the kidneys when deposited in specific parts of the glomerulus, the glomerular endothelial cell damage, causing an inflammatory reaction, undermining the glomerular permeability, resulting in white protein, red blood cells and other macromolecules from the urine loss. In the long course of chronic nephritis, a cold or infection, inflammatory reaction glomerular damage would occur once every repetition. The immune response to this recurring will cause a lot of glomerular sclerosis, aggravating process of renal fibrosis, chronic nephritis promote the conversion to chronic renal failure, renal failure patients mentioned above in the case of such a situation.

A few days ago one expert told me nephropathy counseling centers: the direct cause of kidney disease is caused by a cold, decreased immunity, in other words is decreased immunity. Each patient knows that kidney patients with low immunity, is actually the beginning of immunity from the cold on the low. Cold easily induced nephropathy, kidney and colds, cold fear, they are "complementary." So cold that is the cause of another incentive.

In fact, not only will lead to decreased immunity cold, sudden exertion, overwork, poor sleep, etc. are easily lead to decreased immunity, so long, it will easily lead to kidney damage, first appeared occult blood, proteinuria, and thereafter may also appear elevated serum creatinine, etc. clinical signs of kidney failure.

Cold led to kidney failure how do? Nephropathy Consulting Center experts told me, just in time to block the progression of renal fibrosis, will be able to control and timely recovery of the disease. So, I had nephritis or kidney failure, do not be too afraid, the most important thing is to timely treatment, grasp the best time for treatment. Renal failure, renal fibrosis barrier on the specific methods of treatment, the site of treatments are described in detail, this provision is no longer much talk, attentive friends can read carefully, there do not understand can also consult online experts.


