
What motivates chronic renal failure (cell therapy) deterioration factor

What prompted chronic renal failure deterioration factors? Chronic renal disease, if not treated properly, it will change to become uremia. But there are many factors of its deterioration, and not just treat the problem, then what are the reasons for the deterioration prompted it?

1, high blood pressure causes: hypertension can accelerate progress not only damage the kidney function, and damage the heart, brain, peripheral vascular and other organs, affecting the prognosis of patients with chronic renal failure in general.

2, proteinuria reasons: for this factor can be proven within the tubular fluid excess albumin, transferrin and other harmful substances can lead to renal tubules, resulting in glomerular and tubular damage, may be stimulating growth factors such as kidney: TGF-β secretion, and promote progression of renal fibrosis.

3, high-protein diet causes: Experts point out that high-protein diet can cause glomerular filtration state, glomerular metabolism, increased proteinuria, and renal tissue injury aggravated, is an important factor in the progression of chronic renal failure one.

4, uremic toxins Cause: This is one of the factors prompting the deterioration of chronic renal failure, chronic renal failure in patients with end-stage uremia, due to a variety of toxins in the body retention, which in turn will accelerate kidney function, and other organizations further damage to organs.

5, hyperlipidemia reasons: for this reason, presumably not many people know, high cholesterol can lead to mesangial cells and endothelial cell injury. A certain concentration of oxidized LDL can stimulate mesangial cells secrete extracellular matrix, or induce apoptosis of glomerular mesangial, thereby promoting progression of renal fibrosis.

6. Other reasons: factors of anemia and malnutrition may also promote the progression of chronic renal failure.

Through the above description, the deterioration factor for chronic renal failure cause of this disease, surely we have been very clear now.


