
Experts renal failure details

Renal failure or renal functional portion of the total loss of a pathological state. Jihuan according to renal disease onset can be divided into two categories, namely, acute renal failure and chronic renal failure. Many people may understand the renal failure is only in simple understanding, based on the specific circumstances of renal failure are not very understanding, the following experts to explain in detail for everyone to have knowledge of renal failure.

Acute renal failure secondary to shock, trauma, severe infections, acute renal parenchymal injury and poisoning and other hemolytic diseases in general because of a syndrome. Its main pathological changes of renal tubular necrosis, will oliguria or anuria clinical symptoms, and with severe water, electrolytes and symptoms of metabolic disorders and uremia appears. In recent years there is another more normal urine or urine of acute renal failure, which is characterized by normal urine or more, but azotemia aggravating day by day and even uremia, known as non-oliguric acute renal failure.

Chronic renal failure, referred to chronic renal failure, also known as chronic renal insufficiency, chronic progressive renal damage caused by a variety of reasons, resulting in a dramatic drop in the kidneys, can not maintain its basic functions, the clinical appear as metabolites retention, water , electrolytes, acid-base balance, the whole body system involvement as the main manifestation of the clinical syndrome, also known as uremia. The progression of chronic renal failure patients slow damage to the kidneys is great.

Because kidney failure is already in advanced stages of kidney disease, and its effective treatment method can be used Chinese medicine conservative treatment, conservative treatment can improve the survival rate and prolong survival time of patients.

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy is the use of natural medicine, by topical form of the drug of the active ingredient into the body through the blood circulation kidney lesion site to repair the damaged kidney inherent cells, kidney function was fixed.

Micro-Chinese Medicine permeate through vasodilator therapy, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation effect, blocking the process of renal fibrosis, kidney repair already damaged cells, and the reasons for rebuilding infrastructure and kidney function, so get a good kidney functional recovery.


