
Is it possible to treat kidney Atrophic by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is possible to treat atrophic kidney Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? In fact, reduce the size of the kidney is difficult to reverse, but with the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the disease progression can be slowed or stopped. Now let's see some details about this therapy and disease.
Why renal atrophy?
In healthy kidneys, nephrons which are the fundamental unit of the kidney to filter the blood can absorb the nutrients filtered by the glomerulus and excrete waste through orina.Debido to kidney failure, the nephrons are injured. Renal function may not work as well as it hizo.Durante stage renal failure, kidney damage is so severe that the kidney cells begin to decline, resulting in decreased kidney size and some of the clinical symptoms such as increased creatinine, vomiting and nausea.
So kidney failure is the leading cause of kidney atrophy. In addition, renal tuberculosis, renal artery stenosis and congenital aplasia can also lead to atrophy of the kidney.
How can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help treat kidney shrinkage?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can provide nutrition to the kidneys during the treatment of the disease, which can expand blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombosis and anticoagulation therefore to improve renal function, the disease goes well, Kidney shrinkage can be stopped, even reversed.


