
It's total external osmotherapy Micromedicina China

For people with chronic kidney disease should want to stop or at least slow the progression of the disease renal.De otherwise, may have finally kidney failure. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy gives many patients a hope, and doctors say that this therapy is the total external externo.Es?


As we all know, the kidneys are excretory organs found in the back inferior.Normalmente, blood flows to the kidneys to provide enough blood and oxygen to the inherent renal cells and kidneys filter the blood to limpiarla.Sin But when the kidneys are damaged, they are not able to purify blood background. Then, the link between the blood and kidneys becomes abnormal.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and focuses on the treatment of kidney disease crónica.De according to the relationship between the kidneys and blood, this therapy can regulate both kidney function and circulation through sanguínea.A expansion of blood vessels, anti-clotting and anti-inflammation, this Osmotherapy can help normalize blood circulation, while investing kidney damage through the degradation of extracellular matrix and enhancing capacity renales.Por healing damaged cells usually after about one or two months, patients can find their general health is much improved.

Is this osmotherapy total external application?

Yes it is. During this therapy, all prescription drugs are destroyed completely and put in two devices osmóticos.A then the products are placed on the lower back, where two kidneys are located, so that the effective ingredients of these drugs can penetrate kidney and perform the work directly through the skin.


