
What are some reasons for kidney failure is it?

What are some reasons for kidney failure is it? Clinical symptoms of acute renal failure in patients with very severe has a great impact on patients, renal failure, the cause is many of my friends are not very understanding, and understanding of the etiology of renal failure disease patients great help, we asked the following experts to tell you about it, we want to help.

Experts said the cause of kidney failure, such as the former can be divided into renal blood loss, shock, severe dehydration, electrolyte balance disorders, acute circulatory failure, acute tubular necrosis is most common acute renal failure etiology, causing acute tubular necrosis etiology varied, can be summarized into two categories:

1, kidney failure, renal ischemia causes are: severe renal ischemia such as severe trauma, extensive burns, major surgery, massive blood loss, obstetric hemorrhage, severe infections, sepsis, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, especially those with shock, are easily lead to acute tubular necrosis.

2, kidney poisoning: toxic substances on the kidneys, such as sulfa drugs, carbon tetrachloride, amalgam, bismuth, dichloro-sulfonamides; antibiotics polymyxin, vancomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin and the like; biological toxins such as snake venom, bee venom, mushroom fish, cantharidin, are the cause of kidney failure.


