
How to lower creatinine 356 for kidney disease?

How to lower creatinine 356 for kidney disease? Creatinine as an indicator of kidney function, it can reflect the renal condition, so that the patient with high levels of creatinine, rather they are frustrated.

What do we know of creatinine 356?

In the clinic, kidney disease can be divided into five stages, and creatinine 356 is a 3-stage, which is an important step. At this stage, the kidneys are damaged moderate, most of the cells in the kidneys are damaged, rather than necrotic, so that if the patient can take a proper treatment to restore the damaged kidney cells, they can get a chance to prevent the disease is worse, even cancel it to some extent. Once the disease is progressing well, the high creatinine level will be reduced gradually.

How to lower creatinine 356 for kidney disease?

From the above, we know that, if the patient wants to lower their serum creatinine level, they must take the correct treatment in a timely manner. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, it can be a good choice for a patient with kidney disease creatinine 356.

This therapy has four basic functions that the anti-coagulation, anti-thrombosis, anti-inflammatory and increased blood vessels. For these four functions damaged kidney cells can not only be protected from further damage, but can also be repaired to a certain degree. Thus, the renal function can be improved gradually, and symptoms caused by low renal function can be released at the same time.

If you want to know more, and you have questions, you can contact us via the following way. I'm very glad to help you. We wish you a speedy recovery!


